Membership Benefits

Professional Member –  ($150/yr) – Open to all individuals who are in the business of professional on-site wastewater re-use, licensed and in good standing with the State of New Mexico. Membership in POWRANM includes membership in the National Association, NOWRA.

Associate Member – ($80/yr) – Open to individuals employed by or partner of  a professional member or an individual who does not meet the eligibility requirement of Professional Membership

Sustaining Member  – ($500/yr) – Individuals or businesses agreeing to make an annual minimum financial contribution of $500 per year to support the goals and objectives of the Association.

Affiliate Business Membership –  ($360/yr.) – Any persons, company, partner, agency, institution or corporation having a bona fide interest in the field of on-site wastewater reuse systems or associated industries such as lab testing, insurance, product or equipment manufacturing, sales, or distribution.

Please call Robbie at 505-379-2293 if interested in signing up for a membership.

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